Three Frame Actions

This file contains actions which can create frames for your photographs in three different colors:

  • Burgundy
  • Black
  • Aluminum

Using the Actions

  1. Download the action set as an action file or as a ZIP file and save it to your PhotoShop actions directory. If you chose the ZIP file, unzip it.
  2. From the PhotoShop Actions window, load the action VirTERMsFrames.atn.
  3. Open a photo file and run the appropriate action. The action will stop at points to allow you to select the size of the frame elements. The first stop allows you to specify size of the final image. VirTERM recommends that the longer edge should be between 500-600 pixels. The shorter edge will resize automatically. The second stop allows you to specify size of the matte, which should be anywhere between 75-150 (100 being recommended in most cases).

